Day 10: No tolerance for vulgarity or disrespect -BBMzansi

Bonni Bee an housemate as well in BBMzansi 2025

BBMzansi housemates Bonni Bee and Ashley in hot pan

A series of infractions prompted Biggie to call the BBMzansi housemates to the lounge to address a serious matter involving Ash-ley Ogle and Bonni Bee’s inappropriate behavior.

Ashley ogle an housemate in BBMzansi house

Biggie clarified that Ash-ley Ogle and Bonni Bee had breached key BBMzansi rules outlined in Article 16, which explicitly states that any housemate involved in physical violence will face immediate removal from the house. The article also broadly defines violence to include self-harm and aggression toward others. Furthermore, the rulebook highlights other offenses, such as provocation, taunting, bullying, and victimization, warning that these could result in disciplinary action at Big Brother’s discretion.

As a result of their misconduct, both Ash-ley Ogle and Bonni Bee were each given a strike for their lack of sensitivity and disregard for Kay B’s experience. Biggie underscored the malicious nature of their actions and reminded them of the consequences: two more strikes, and they would be disqualified from the house.

Bonni Bee an housemate as well in BBMzansi 2025

Ashley Ogle and Bonni Bee entered their diary sessions expecting a chance to vent, but they were caught off guard as Biggie confronted them about their behavior. The intense exchange featured tough questions and firm reprimands from Biggie.

Biggie started by inquiring about the current atmosphere in the house compared to the previous night. Bonni Bee observed that the chaos of last night’s argument had settled into a quieter environment, with housemates shifting their focus to the wager preparations. In contrast, Ash-ley Ogle attributed the lingering tension to attention-seeking antics and trivial conflicts.

When Biggie questioned the pair about whether they believed their housemates fought unfairly or were insensitive to serious matters, Ash-ley admitted she had chosen to stay composed amidst the turmoil. Bonni Bee acknowledged that while physical violence wasn’t an option, housemates often resorted to hurtful words that could cut as deeply as a physical blow.

Ashley and Bonni B, housemates of BBMzansi season 5

Biggie urged Ash-ley and Bonni Bee to consider their own contributions to the house’s tense atmosphere and asked them to explain their understanding of respect. Ash-ley admitted to moments of insensitivity, attributing it to the pressures of living in the Big Brother house. Bonni Bee explained that her straightforwardness and lack of a filter often came off as rude.

The session ended with Biggie issuing a firm warning, making it clear that vulgarity, sexual violence, and racial comments would not be tolerated. Ash-ley Ogle was specifically warned about using degrading and demeaning language, while Bonni Bee was reminded of the seriousness of trivializing sexual violence. Both were encouraged to take a hard look at their behavior and make meaningful changes.

Ashley and Bonni B told to stand when biggie was addressing BBMzansi housemates

Biggie seized the moment to remind the housemates that they are guests in Big Brother’s house and that such behavior is unacceptable. The reactions were divided—some housemates welcomed the intervention, while others appeared skeptical.

This incident served as an important lesson, highlighting that every word and action has consequences and underscoring the importance of empathy and sensitivity in building healthy relationships within the BBMzansi house.


Previous Video: Ashley and Mshini go bare knuckle - BBMzansi
Next Day 10: Ashley and Bonni Bee issued strikes and Punishments- BBMzansi