Luzuko left Nsuku disheartened after refusing to give her the lips.
Luzuko left Nsuku disheartened after refusing to play along with her dare, turning what could have been a lighthearted moment into an awkward one. Known for standing firm on his principles, Luzuko wasn’t about to engage in something he wasn’t comfortable with, leaving Nsuku visibly disappointed.
It started when Mata called Luzuko downstairs to join her and Nsuku. Once there, Luzuko immediately asked why he’d been summoned. The ladies avoided giving a direct answer until Mata finally revealed it was part of a truth-or-dare game. She dared Luzuko to interact with Nsuku in a playful way, but he quickly declined, stating firmly, “That’s not happening.” Despite Mata’s encouragement to go along with the game, Luzuko held his ground, questioning the reasoning behind the challenge.
Trying to lighten the mood, Luzuko suggested he’d participate only if Mata accepted a similar challenge. When Mata asked for details, Luzuko playfully named someone she wasn’t comfortable with (Melino ), and she quickly declined, putting an end to the game.

The mood shifted as Nsuku’s disappointment became evident. With previous moments of rejection lingering, she seemed to feel the sting of this interaction even more. Is Luzuko simply holding firm on his values, or is there something deeper at play? Time will tell.