Liema to Jareed “Never talk to me again, pass me like I never exist”

liema and Jareed plus Mpumi

Mpumi insists that everyone in the house came alone and she’s there to focus on the game. Her Valentine’s Day ended in her well-known red outfit in the jacuzzi, with Liema nearby.

Despite initial discomfort, she maintained her composure and when asked by her housemates if she was okay, she assured them that while it bothered her at first, she’s now fine.

Jareed and Liema had a conversation while he was moisturizing his legs after his time in the jacuzzi. Liema sought clarification about their relationship and expressed feeling uncared for by Jareed. “I don’t think I want any sort of relationship with you,” Liema said.

liema and jareed

ALSO READ: Reactions from Housemates about Valentine’s Day celebrations

They ended their conversation with Liema asking Jareed to never speak to her again. “Treat me like I don’t exist.” To which Jareed replied, “Wow, that really hurts.”

Later, Liema sought the company of MCJunior, Taki, and Els. MCJunior expressed his perspective, saying, “I just think it’s really a child that is dealing with a situation that is incredibly bigger than you and you think you’re in control but you’re not… I’m sorry!!! This is why I personally keep quiet and I have never had an opinion on things!!”


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