Willy wins the Lotto Star Friday Night Arena Games again

Willy continues to prove himself as a born winner, securing another 5,000 rands in the arena games courtesy of Lotto Star.

In today’s Lotto Star Friday Night Arena Games, themed “Mighty Medusa,” the challenge aimed to test the housemates’ physical abilities. It consisted of four stages, where housemates had to complete each task successfully in the shortest time possible. Housemates exceeding 2 minutes and 30 seconds would be buzzed out.

The stages included:

  1. Crossing the Spider’s Lane: Housemates had to navigate stepping stones while holding a lantern.
  2. Dungeon Crawl: Housemates were required to crawl from one side to the other while holding a lantern.
  3. Tip the Rock: A game involving balancing sand on a weighing scale until it reached equilibrium.
  4. Throwing Medusa’s Head: Housemates had to throw Medusa’s head into a pot while looking through a mirror and throwing with their hands behind their backs.

At the end of the game, Willy emerged as the winner with a time of 37 seconds, followed by MCJunior at 47 seconds and Els at 54 seconds.

Willy during the Lotto Star Friday Night Arena challenge

Congratulations to Willy once again for his victory!

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