Yolanda profile and Biography

yolanda profile

Yolanda profile and Biography

Full name: Eulenda Monyai
Age: 32
Occupation: Sales consultant / model

How do you move in relationships?
I’d am a forever yena because I’m loyal and I’m very honest and I catch feelings very fast so if I’m in, I’m literally in.

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What does S’ya Mosha mean to you?
I feel it means you’re breaking the rules … a little bit. And we are not going to follow everything. We are just going to live and enjoy life, you know what I mean? I mean having a formula all the time doesn’t always work. So we will be more ‘mosh-ing’ the whole time. I think

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1 Comment

  1. Mose
    January 30, 2024

    Keep babie the trophy is behind you

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