Housemate Loose 100% of the Wager

wager task presentation

The housemates gathered in the arena and performed in pairs to the music assigned to them on Monday. However, their wager performance fell short of Biggie’s expectations. He criticized them for lacking creativity, missing opportunities to interpret the love songs, and appearing gimmicky.

Ultimately, the housemates lost their wager. Nonetheless, there was a silver lining as Sinaye and Zee garnered the highest score from the speed dating event, earning them the titles of King and Queen of Valentine’s.

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After the wager was settled, some of the housemates began to critique the performances of their peers. Jareed labeled some performances as gimmicky, while Willy, during a chat with Young Pappi, singled out Chuenzaaa’s performance. He also offered criticism to Yolanda for not utilizing a microphone during her performance.

For the upcoming week, the housemates will only receive basic necessities. It will be intriguing to observe how they adapt after a week of relative luxury.

Previous VIDEO: Els and Jareed have some in the toilet
Next PapaGhost blames wager Loss on MCJunior's Leadership

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