Housemates win 100% wager under MCjunior leadership

housemates win wager

Biggie pleased with Housemates’ wager Task Presentation amidst disunity among them

The BBMzansi Housemates won their third wager victory, securing not only their essential supplies but also a full 100% wager for luxuries. The stakes were high today, as Biggie presented the housemates with the chance to eat a piece of steak earlier, on the condition that they share it with a fellow housemate, thereby increasing their wager stake from 80% to 100%.

This week’s wager aligned with the theme of healthy living, comprising three segments: a talk show, an exercise segment, and a cooking demonstration. The housemates delivered an outstanding performance on “S’ya Mosha Daily,” featuring a visually appealing set, an enthusiastic audience, informative medical and mental health professionals, and skilled hosts, Chuenzaaa and Sinaye.

wager presentation by BBMzansi Housemates

The show seamlessly integrated fitness and food segments along with advertisements.

ALSO READ: Pale to Yolanda: ‘You look like a cow, Doctors failed to fix you’

The housemates were judged based on their ability to work cohesively, with allocated roles of hosts, guests and professionals. When asked if the house worked cohesively, HoH McJunior said, “We produced the show, and it came together, but we did not work cohesively at all.”

HoH MCJunior during wager presentation
However, Yolanda disagreed with HoH McJunior and shared her opinion, much to the dismay of the rest of the housemates.

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