What exactly happened in the Big Brother Mzansi Men’s conference?

men conference big brother mzansi

Who would’ve thought, tonight would also reignite the skinnering from the Men’s Conference. Surely we did not see this coming.

Tonight, saw the shocking but not surprising return of the Men’s Conference at the usual spot in the Big Brother Mzansi House. After a Gash1 and Norman turned against the bromance many of the gents were left in a precarious position after sharing some interesting conversations with the two Housemates.

Unlike the usual need for a rat or mole to be amongst them, they decided to give us front row seats to all the drama that unfolded in the House. We could go into detail about it but we will be brief to just show how exciting it is to feel like we are just starting this journey all over again. Well at least now with just five Housemates – of course, don’t forget the honourary member Mphowabadimo.

From teasing Gash1 about his haircutting skills to some juicy details about a secret kiss in the Party Room, there’s just a lot we did not know but the Housemates are unpacking it all including some hilarious moments.  Tulz and Libo believe they noticed that Gash1 eats a lot the moment he started hoarding food and raiding the kitchen at 02:00.

Housemates spent their night reminiscing about everything and anything. In one conversation, Tulz discussed a moment a funny moment that happened between Venus and Zino. As it stands, Venus first told Zino that on the outside he reminds him of his brother but to his surprise, the card he was given was empty. While he found it amusing, Tulz and Mphowabadimo think that the plausible explanation could be that she didn’t have enough time to write anything.

Also Read: Big Brother Mzansi Top 5 fan cultures

To be frank, we may be down to the Top 5 but trust that this week, you will learn more about every twist and turn that happened throughout the season as told by the Housemates. If you thought you knew your faves, then you have some catching up to do with the remaining Big shots!

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