Big Brother Mzansi Top five most memorable moments

big brother mzansi valentines 4

As we get closer to the finale of Big Brother Mzansi season 3, let’s revisit some of the most memorable moments from the past few weeks.

Here are five Big Brother Mzansi moments that we just can’t seem to overlook.

Big Brother Mzansi season 3 Housemates walk into the House

For many of the Housemate, walking into the Big Brother Mzansi House was their highlight. Not only was this moment special to the Housemates, but it was our best moment too, especially after we had been off air for quite some time. Like true stars that they are, Housemates walked in boldly and own the moment. Now who can forget such?

Terry first female HoH

Who can forget the day Terry became the first female Head of House. Mtherere as she was later nicknamed in the House, took over from the first HoH, Tulz. What made this moment extra special was that she acquired the title on her birthday.

terry big brother mzansi head of house

Double Eviction

After a double Eviction that we didn’t see coming, Dinkybliss and Mvelo were the first two Housemates to be shown the door. On her way out of the House Dinkybliss dropped some iconic code 14 twerking. This will forever be memorable to both us and the viewers.

big brother mzansi first eviction

Housemates win first Wager Task

We can still recall vividly the day when the Housemates FINALLY won their first Wager Task after failing the first two. There was excitement all around when Biggie uttered the words, “Congratulations Housemates, you have won this week’s Wager!”

ALSO READ: Big Brother Mzansi’s  Tulz the first and last HoH

A Valentine’s Day affair

Remember the day ‘Biggie Lala’ arranged a special Valentine’s Day picnic for the Housemates? They looked dazzling in their outfits and were more than delighted to step into the Big Brother Mzansi garden, only to be greeted by a romantic Valentine’s Day themed setup. Recently, in her Diary Session, Mphowabadimo told Biggie that this was her very first Valentine’s Day celebration. It seems this moment will forever be cherished

big brother valentines big brother mzansi valentines 4 big brother mzansi valentines 3 big brother mzansi valentines 2

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