Biggie Introduces Head of House Challenger Twist.
As of today there will be a new twist to the Head of House game, called the Head of House Challenger.
During the first live eviction show, host Smash Afrika revealed an exciting twist: the Head of House Challenger, which allows four housemates the opportunity to dethrone the current Head of House each week.
Here’s how it works:
- Every Monday at 12:00, housemates will compete for the Head of House title, with a winner announced shortly after.
- Later that day, at 18:00, four selected housemates will face off in the Head of House Challenger.
- The winner of the Challenger takes over as the new Head of House, gaining all the privileges and responsibilities that come with the position. These include staying in the luxurious HoH loft, having the power to save and replace a nominee, and performing all Head of House duties.
This twist ensures that power in the house remains unpredictable and keeps the competition intense throughout the week.