Week 2: Big Brother Mzansi 5 voting poll

Big brother Mzansi season 5 week 2 voting poll
Big brother Mzansi season 5 week 2 voting poll

Tonight, six housemates were nominated for possible eviction on Sunday.

Today has been a busy day in the Big Brother Mzansi Season 5 house, with events including the Head of House challenge, the Head of House challenger game, and later, the first official nominations of the season.

During Week 1, all nominations were fake, and housemates learned this yesterday during the first Sunday live eviction show, as revealed by the show’s host, Smash Africa.

This evening, housemates were summoned once again to participate in a nomination exercise. Each housemate was asked to nominate two fellow housemates for possible eviction on Sunday, providing reasons for their choices.

Below is a summary of how the housemates made their nominations:

S/N Name of Housemate Nominated Pair
1 Jojo Nsuku & Bonnie Bee
2 Tyrone Uyanda & Abobo
3 Maya Nate & Kay B
4 Uyanda Swiss & Nate
5 Philile Ezra & Savage
6 Melino Bonnie Bee & Abobo
7 Nate Savage & Philile
8 Abobo Ezra & Swiss
9 Kay B Bonnie & Nsuku
10 Ezra Nsuku & Bonnie B
11 Nsuku Kay B & Nate
12 Sweet Guluva Bonnie Bee & Nsuku
13 Ashley Bonnie Bee & Savage
14 Luzuko Nsuku & Beekay
15 Sighesible Ashley & Savage
16 Savage Nate & Gugu
17 Mshini Ezra & Mandy Hagen
18 Swiss Abobo & Nsuku
19 Bonnie Bee Ezra & Nate
20 Muzi-Thembuzi Luzuko & Gugu
21 Mandy Hagen Bonnie Bee & Ezra
22 Beekay Mandy Hagen & Mata
23 Gugu Nate & Savage
24 Sipha Lee Bonnie Bee & Uyanda

With the above nominations, it was evident that Bonnie Bee., Nsuku, Ezra,  Savage, Abobo and Nate were the most nominated. The head of House Sipha Lee saved Ezra replaced him with Uyanda.

The final week 1 nomination list is:

  1.  Bonni Bee
  2. Nsuku
  3. Savage
  4. Abobo
  5. Nate
  6. Uyanda

Who are you Voting to save? You can share with us in the comment section and as well vote on the Poll

WEEK 2: Big Brother Mzansi 2025 voting Poll, Who are you saving?

  • Nate (38%, 129 Votes)
  • Uyanda (26%, 90 Votes)
  • Nsuku (18%, 60 Votes)
  • Abobo (9%, 30 Votes)
  • Bonni Bee (6%, 21 Votes)
  • Savage (4%, 12 Votes)

Total Voters: 342

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