Pale bbmzansi

Pale has skillfully dedicated her time in the house to gathering scoop and serving piping hot tea to any open ear, with her key ingredient being PapaGhost.  While some of the girls set their sights on the boys for shipping, Pale’s focus is solely on one man for gossip purposes, nothing more. Today’s gossip revolved …

disruptor Fahima

Disruptor Fahima has been observed executing Biggie’s task of infiltrating friendships to cast doubt in the minds of the parties involved. Her assignment from Biggie this week involved subtly planting seeds of mistrust and suspicion among housemates to weaken the bonds that had been strengthened. Even with a slow start to stirring up some Mosha, …

willy Arena games winner

Willy Joins the 5K rand gang after winning tonight’s Arena games. After four rounds of Hey Sushi, Willy emerged victorious, completing the challenge in 1:18. McJunior secured the second spot with a time of 1:19. Unfortunately, the majority of the housemates were disqualified for breaking the game rules, and both Disruptor Neo and Lerato Modise …

Lerato said ships will scatter

Lerato Modise foresaw “a lot of promiscuity in the house.” One can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief that last night’s party and k!ssing antics didn’t result in the breakdown of any relationships in the house. Apart from Liema’s behavior, which earned her a strike, there’s a rumor circulating that PapaGhost and Els had …

IMG 1452

Biggie sent shockwaves through Mzansi on Sunday by surprising everyone with the revelation that Lerato Modise and PapaGhost were not evicted but instead kept in a secret cabin. Dubbed the “cabin crew” by X, they have now returned, causing the house to be in a state of uncertainty. For nearly 48 hours, they strategised , …

Liema issued with a strike

Biggie has issued a strike to Liema for non-compliance of his rules. Following a guilty verdict for violating Big Brother’s rules, Liema received a strike from Big Brother. The housemates convened in the lounge after being summoned by Biggie, during which Liema was informed about the specific rules she had breached. In his address to …

jareed, Els and Mpumi

Jareed tendency to have a “wandering eye” consistently puts him in awkward situations with the women he is interested in. Lawrence brought this matter into the public eye during Sunday’s Live Eviction Show, exposing Jareed’s intentions and causing Liema to harbor feelings of distrust. ALSO READ: Day 10: Liema unsure of how to breakup with Jareed …

wager task presentation

The current week’s Wager task, named Country of Colour, witnessed the housemates convene daily and put in relentless effort to devise a presentation symbolizing the Mzansi they inhabit—a nation known for embracing diversity. However, reaching their victorious performance was far from a seamless journey. They had to navigate through hunger, various tasks, and numerous underlying …

Jareed and Liema bbmzansi

The potential downturn of Jareed and Liema’s relationship. After a week and a day confined within the Big Brother Mzansi house, instead of reflecting on home, the housemates are engrossed in each other’s gossip. The predominant subject of discussion? The potential downturn of Jareed and Liema’s relationship, which seems imminent given the current trajectory. The …

papaGhost and lerato

Papaghost is likely to proceed his relationship with Lerato Modise even after School. PapaGhost has consistently expressed admiration for his newfound acquaintance in the Big Brother Mzansi house, who also happens to be his r0mant!c interest. In a conversation with Young Pappi, PapaGhost delved into the genuine connection he shares with Lerato Modise. He conveyed …