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Congratulations to Sinaye for joining the prestigious 5k Rands gang!

Housemates gathered in the Arena for the Lotto Star Friday Night Arena games, as per their weekly …

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Sinaye and Meelay

Just after midnight, as the night wound down, Meelay and Sinaye met together and shared some moments together, giggling softly.

ALSO READ: The Gossip crew analyses Jareed

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The events unfolded in the dressing area became the subject of conversation for McJunior, Meelay, Taki, and Sinaye, who observed everything from the bedroom.

As the drama …

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Mpumi and liema relationship

Last night, Liema decided to end her confusing relationship with Jareed and Mpumi. While the three were talking in the dressing room, with Els there too, they …

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